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Foaming at the Mouth #1


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I have got to learn to stop reading statements by government bureaucrats before my blood pressure shoots through the roof and I have a stroke. I am always amazed at how much they like to meddle in private sector decisions while simultaneously dodging any form of accountability or responsibility...

I saw yesterday that some official in the environmental protection department thinks that interior temperatures should not only be regulated to 25.5 degrees in the summer, but that setting the air conditioning for cooler temperatures should even be a criminal offense.




When I read stuff like that in combination with Mr. Bow-tie's weaselly words about positive non-intervention I want to fly over to Central and start indiscriminately kicking government officials in the balls, or eggs as the case may be.

What the government really wants to accomplish is to be seen as doing something about air pollution and the environment. They have identified energy use as being one of the few factors that they can influence.

So you might think that a minimally intervening government would impose a tax on energy (both electrical and fossil fueled) and let consumers and companies work out themselves whether they prefer to pay more money, find savings elsewhere to compensate, or save energy, and if so, how to save energy. That way the costs are born by everyone (although consumers pay double) and everyone is free to decide how to run their own lives right?

But of course, all the tycoons would whine that the government is increasing their costs and making them uncompetitive, and the ungrateful populace would whine about increased energy bills and not appreciate how the hard working government is trying to save the environment, so obviously the reasonable solution just won't fly.

Luckily, some green groups have identified air conditioning as a major cause of air pollution, so the government has a ready scapegoat and can suggest we all turn up the temperature. Now if some malls or buildings did this, and the customers/inhabitants didn't mind or liked the higher temps, then those malls would save money compared to the "refrigerated" buildings and soon everyone would be doing it. The fact that it isn't the case shows that apart from a minority, most people want the cooler temperatures indoors in the summer.

Well, if we plebes aren't smart enough to do the right thing on our own, then the government has no alternative but to take away our choice and force us to do it??? What kind of attitude is that for government?

If we follow a reductio ad absurdum, we might as well say that to conserve fresh water, another Hong Kong environmental concern, we should wear all of our clothing and underwear two days in a row before washing. After all, it won't be too stinky after only one day; the discomfort should be minimal. The same goes for bathroom usage. Do we really need to flush every single time? Every second or third time should be plenty. If you don't like the smell? Hey, you can always put down the toilet seat cover.


And don't even get me started on those ass-kissing Liberal Party butt-munching wankers undermining one country-two systems. I expect it from those DAB assholes, but from a political party that names itself after FREEDOM, that's just too much to take! Grrrrr......