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 Vince and Fion's Wedding
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Usually at the end of dinner, the restaurant or hotel starts to play some rather loud music to give people the hint that the party is over and they should go home. Fion and I had specifically asked them to make sure that no music would be played to encourage people to leave, but we had forgotten to ensure that guests would be allowed to stay and chat or finish up their desserts. We ended up being rushed by both the catering staff and the photographer into line so that we could say our goodbyes and we were rushing around so much that night that it never occured to us that we should protest.

It was disappointing that nobody could stay to finish up the cake; there was most of one layer left, even though Fion and I had reserved a layer each. We ended up underestimating the amount of wine that our guests could drink too. I think the most heavy drinking table was so busy gambling at cards that they didn't drink as much as they could have.

In the end though, it might have been a good thing that the evening was cut a little short because we still needed to settle the bill, gather our decorations, sort and pack the dresses and a host of other things that need to be done if you need to rush home to walk and feed the dog.

I hope that everyone who went had a good time. For those who couldn't make it because of distance or other engagements, I hope this gives you a little of the flavour of being there.

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